Hotel Reservation
We highly recommend all NanoPlasm 2024 participants to reserve their room(s) at Grand Hotel San Michele at their earliest convenience.
Since rooms are assigned on a “first come, first serve basis” and a special discount is offered for all participants, it is highly recommended to book your room as early as possible.
We would like to inform you that the Grand Hotel San Michele is pleased to offer a special discounted rate for Nanoplasm 2024, set at €118.00 per person per day for double rooms and €135.00 per person per day for single rooms.
For early-stage researchers and attendees, an alternative option is accessible at a more economical rate:
Residences of the conference venue Grand Hotel San Michele:
- € 118.00 per person per day (one-bedroom, Full Board accomodation);
- € 92.00 per person per day (two-bedrooms, shared place, Full Board accomodation);
Space is limited - rooms may NOT be available after March 10th, 2024.
Please fill the form below, it will be automatically sent to the hotel.

Accomodation Form