Event starts in...
For our 10th-anniversary edition, NANOPLASM 2024 has transitioned into an invitational meeting. While we are excited to welcome invited speakers, we also encourage researchers from the community to submit contributions as elevator pitch talks or posters. Your participation enriches our conference and ensures a diverse exchange of ideas. Looking forward to your valuable contributions.

Scope and Topics
The rapidly evolving realms of Plasmonics and Nano-Photonics are spearheading revolutionary strides in nanoscience and cutting-edge technologies through groundbreaking interdisciplinary investigations. This symposium aims to provide a dynamic platform for delving into the latest advancements in Plasmonics and Nanophotonics which are shaping the forefront of scientific progress. The symposium will focus on illuminating discussions surrounding Quantum Effects, Topological Materials, Metamaterials, and Life Science Applications, further amplified by the inclusion of in-depth explorations into Time interfaces and the transformative applications of Machine Learning. The distinguished conference venue will serve as a nexus for fostering connections and scholarly dialogues among participants, with a shared objective of intensifying the exchange of ideas and nurturing a dynamic scientific gathering.
Plasmonic and Optical Metamaterials
Meta-Optics and Metasurfaces
Topological Materials for Photonics
Quantum Optics and Photonics
Non-Linear and Reconfigurable Metamaterials
Tunable Plasmonics
Active Quantum Nanoplasmonics
Plasmonics and Metamaterials for Life Science Applications
Thermo Plasmonics and Hot Electrons
Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Photonics
Grand Hotel San Michele - Cetraro (CS), Italy
NanoPlasm 2024 will be held in the 4-star "Grand Hotel San Michele" at Cetraro, Italy, from 17th to 21st of June 2024. Cetraro is an ancient sea hamlet with a millennium-old history located along the Tyrrhenian coastal track, known as the Riviera dei Cedri. The town which is known for its fishing and touristic harbor is the ideal place for a lunch with fish: here the typical speciality is the rosamarina (a newborn bluefish), exquisite delicacy longed for by tourists that come numerous to Cetraro, especially in the summer. The Hotel is located high on a 120 m cliff overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea. On a clear day you may see the Eolian islands. Situated just outside the township of Cetraro, the hotel is surrounded by an organic farm of 44 hectares that everyday provides the hotel with fresh organic food: fruits, vegetables, olive oil, wine, milk and cheese, daily laid eggs, lamb, veal and pork meat, home made jams and preserves. The golf course (9 holes, par 70), nicely landscaped among vineyards, olive groves and fruit trees, is provided with driving range, putting green and Club House. Inside, the hotel offers two restaurants and a breakfast room, while in nice weather one may enjoy breakfast and dinner on the two beautiful terraces overlooking the sea. The hotel possesses modern meeting facilities, a private Mediterranean beach for swimming and outdoor dining, golf course, vineyard and cellar, swimming pool, tennis court, bars and restaurants with complete meal services. For registered participants and their accompanying persons, the hotel offers a reduced rate per person that includes full breakfast, lunch, and dinner, receptions, and refreshments, and use of conference facilities. Spaces are also available for exhibits.

Cultural Event

The cultural event this year concerns the visit to the historic part of the city of Cosenza. In particular, we will walk in Piazza XV Marzo, with in the center the statue depicting the philosopher Bernardinio Telesio, born in Cosenza in 1509.
We will admire the A. Rendano Municipal Theater from the outside. We will enter the "Government Palace", located right in front of the theater, to appreciate the famous "Room of Mirrors".
The itinerary will culminate in a visit to the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, dating back to around 1200 AC.
The cultural event will end with a social dinner at "Villa A. Rendano", where we will taste typical dishes of the Calabrian tradition and listen good jazz music.
N. Engheta
Penn, USA
A. Boltasseva
Purdue, USA
R. Bartolino
G. Strangi
F. Capasso
Harvard, USA
C. Umeton
V. M. Shalaev
Purdue, USA
A. Crispini
E. Hu
Harvard, USA
F. Capolino

Prof. G. Strangi
Case Western Reserve University (USA) and NLHT - UNICAL (Italy)

Prof. R. Bartolino
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - CNR (Italy)

Prof. A. De Luca
University of Calabria - UNICAL (Italy)
Local Organizing Committee

A. De Luca

V. Caligiuri

R. Caputo

L. Ricciardi

G. Palermo

R. Termine

A. Guglielmelli

D. M. Aceti